Stunt Dog Title


Pay with Instructor Credits:  4 credits for PDF.

Live routine of 10 exercises. This prepares your dog for a live trick dog show. Rules & Instructions below.

Comes with a PDF certificate and optional hardcopy certificate and rosette.




NEW! INTRO STUNT DOG (ISD) RULES: This title is OPTIONAL. You may skip it and go directly to Novice Stunt Dog  PRE-REQUISITES: None

Intro Stunt Dog:

This title is exactly like Novice Stunt Dog, but easier. It has the following changes:

  • All on leash
  • 6 foot distance to pedestal and target (6 ft.leash), or handler may follow dog to the pedestal and target
  • Pedestal may be lower for puppies older dogs etc.
  • Tricks are also on leash

A continuous routine of exercises, performed live or via video. Stunt Dog is a live performance. It may be done in person, or by unedited pre-recorded video.

NOVICE STUNT DOG (NSD) RULES: A continuous routine of exercises, performed live or via video.  PRE-REQUISITES: Novice Trick Dog (NTD)

Novice Stunt Dog Routine:

  1. Perimeter Circle Salute On leash, counter-clockwise
  2. Mount Pedestal, assume Ready Position On leash Remove leash
  3. “Stay” on Pedi Handler backs up 6 feet, 5 seconds
  4. Handler Circles Pedi 2 feet distance
  5. Trick on Pedestal 1 trick Relocate to Stage Front
  6. Send to Pedestal From 10 feet distance Steward places Target Mark. Dog and Handler go to Stage Back.
  7. Send to Target Mark From 6 feet distance, stay on mark 5 seconds Relocate to Pedi. Steward removes Target. Steward gives hoops to Handler.
  8. Hoop Jump 4 jumps/interactions Relocate to Pedi
  9. Perimeter Circle Exit On leash


OPEN STUNT DOG (OSD) RULES: A continuous routine of exercises, performed live or via video.  PRE-REQUISITES: Intermediate Trick Dog (ITD), Novice Stunt Dog (NSD)

Open Stunt Dog Routine:

  1. Perimeter Circle Entrance On leash, counter-clockwise
  2. Mount Pedestal, assume Ready Position On leash Remove leash
  3. “Stay” on Pedi, Handler Backs Up 6 feet, 15 seconds
  4. “Stay” on Pedi, Handler Circles it 6 feet distance
  5. Tricks on Pedestal 2 tricks, at least one at Intermediate difficulty level Relocate to Stage Front
  6. Send to Pedestal From distance of perimeter fence Steward places target mark. Dog and Handler go to Stage back
  7. Send to Target Mark From 10 feet distance, stay on mark for 10 seconds Relocate to Pedi. Steward removes Target. Steward hands hoops to Handler.
  8. Hoop Jump 4 jumps/interactions Relocate to Pedi
  9. Tricks on the Floor 2 tricks, at least one at Intermediate difficulty level Relocate to Pedi
  10. Perimeter Circle Exit On leash



PROVEN STUNT DOG (PSD) RULES: A continuous routine of exercises, performed live or via video.  PRE-REQUISITES: Advanced Trick Dog (ATD), Open Stunt Dog (OSD)

Proven Stunt Dog Routine:

  1. Perimeter Circle Entrance Off-leash, counter-clockwise
  2. Mount Pedestal, assume Ready Position Off-leash
  3. “Stay” on Pedi, Handler Circles it 10 feet distance
  4. Tricks on Pedestal 3 tricks, at least one at Intermediate difficulty level
  5. Distance Trick on Pedestal 1 trick, 6 feet distance Steward places Target Mark. Dog and Handler go to Stage Back.
  6. Distance Trick on Target Mark 1 trick, 6 feet distance Relocate to Pedi. Steward removes Target. Steward hands hoops to Handler.
  7. Hoop Jump 4 jumps/interactions Relocate to Pedi, and then to Stage Front for floor
  8. Tricks on the Floor 3 tricks; one of Advanced difficulty, one using a prop Relocate to Pedi
  9. Perimeter Circle Exit Off-leash



STUNT DOG PROFESSIONAL (SDPRO) RULES: A continuous routine of exercises, performed live or via video.  PRE-REQUISITES: Expert Trick Dog (ETD), Proven Stunt Dog (PSD)

Stunt Dog Professional Routine:

  1. Perimeter Circle Entrance Off-leash, 2 pauses to perform a trick to audience
  2. Mount Pedestal, assume Ready Position Send from distance of fence
  3. “Stay” on Pedi, Handler Circles it At distance of fence
  4. Tricks on Pedestal 4 tricks, at least one at Intermediate difficulty level
  5. Distance Trick on Pedestal 4 tricks, 12 feet distance Steward places Target Mark. Dog and Handler go to Stage Back
  6. Distance Trick on Target Mark 3 tricks in a row, 6 feet distance Relocate to Pedi. Steward removes Target. Steward hands hoops to Handler.
  7. Hoop Jump 4 jumps/interactions Relocate to Pedi, and then to Stage Front for floor
  8. Tricks on the Floor 3 tricks; one of Expert difficulty, one using a prop Relocate to Pedi
  9. Silent Cues 3 tricks, either all on pedi or all on floor
  10. Perimeter Circle Exit Off-leash, 2 pauses to perform a trick to audience

STUNT DOG CHAMPION (SDCH) RULES: A continuous routine of exercises, performed live or via video.  PRE-REQUISITES: Trick Dog Champion (TDCH), Stunt Dog Professional (SDPro)

Stunt Dog Champion Routine:

The Champion performance is to be 4 to 7 minutes in length. The judge can periodically announce the time for the competitor. The performance routine is completely up to the competitors. They may perform as many tricks they wish, of whatever kind they wish, so long as the required elements are included.

Required Elements:

  1. Perimeter Circle Entrance (off-leash) and Mount Pedestal
  2. Perimeter Circle Exit
  3. Intro to the audience (on Pedi)
  4. Distance work 5. Behavior Chain

The performance must utilize these props:

  1. Pedestal
  2. Target Mark
  3. Hoop


  1. Showmanship
  2. Variety of Tricks
  3. Technical Difficulty
  4. Unique Act
  5. Pace
  6. Entertaining
  7. Use of Entire Stage
  8. Interesting Props
  9. Teamwork
  10. Likability/Happiness



STUNT DOG GRAND CHAMPION (SDGCH) RULES: Pass your SDCH 6 times under at least 3 different judges.  PRE-REQUISITES: Stunt Dog Champion (SDCH). TDGCH is not required.

Pass and earn your SDCH 6 times to earn your Grand Champion title. These passes must occur with at least 3 different judges. You can do the same routine all six times.



STUNT DOG GRAND CHAMPION 2 (SDGCH2): Requires 4 additional SDGCH total earned /qualifying scores under 2 different judges. 

STUNT DOG GRAND CHAMPION 3 (SDGCH3): Requires 4 additional SDGCH2 total earned/qualifying scores under 2 different judges. 

STUNT DOG GRAND CHAMPION 4 (SDGCH4): Requires 4 additional SDGCH3 total earned/qualifying scores under 2 different judges. 


How to Earn this Title:


Read/Print the Stunt Dog Handbook

You can use the Tricktionary Tricks, or make up your own hoop tricks.

Stunt Dog Handbook 


Watch the online Stunt Dog-tionary

Our online Stunt Dog-tionary describes each exercise and has accompanying video.

Online Stunt Dog-tionary 


Show your tricks/exercises to a Certified Stunt Dog Judge

Join one of our free Facebook Spark Teams and post videos (or photos) of your tricks/exercises there. Each team is coached by a certified evaluator. 

Spark Team Online Evaluators 

Prefer to work with evaluator in person? Click here.


Submit the form above

Once a certified evaluator has OK’d your tricks/exercises, submit your application using the form above. You can choose your certificate and swag items.


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