Canine Einstein


Pay with Instructor Credits:  3 credits for PDF certificate. Cert and custom ribbon are additional 2 credits. Shipping is additional.

Re-energize your training and get creative by demonstrating these 4 “thinking” exercises. See Rules below.




RULES: Complete the 4 intelligence challenges to earn your dog’s title.


Complete the 4 challenges. The criteria with specialty titles is lax, as the their purpose is to re-energize your training and get you to think creatively to figure out what works for you and your dog. Have fun and give each challenge your own spin!
1️⃣ Read (3) Silent Cue Cards
Show your dog a cue card with a word written on it (such as “sit” or “spin”) and see if you can get your dog to correctly respond to the written word. Try not to say the cue verbally. Instead, find some other way to cue your dog such as giving a subtle hand signal or tilt of your head. You may be surprised at how subtle your signal can be! Repeat with a total of 3 words.
2️⃣ Three (3) YES/NO Questions
Ask your dog a question and have him respond with a YES or NO answer. How he indicates the YES/NO is up to you! Again, you may give subtle signals to direct him toward the correct answer. Some examples of how your dog can answer are:
  • Step on Y/N buttons
  • Run to Y/N platforms
  • Nose-touch one or the other of your hands
  • Fetch an item labeled with Y/N 


3️⃣ Answer one question with a Number 
Ask “what is 2+2?” or “how old are you?” and have your dog answer with a number. How he indicates the number is up to you, and you may give subtle signals. Some examples of how your dog can answer are:
  • Bark the number
  • Wave the number
  • Nose-Touch your hand the number of times
  • Ring a bell the number
  • Spin circles the number 


4️⃣ Handler’s Choice
Show us something smart! This is your chance to highlight your dog’s unique talents. We love to see what you come up with!
Examples could be:
  • Guess which hand holds the treat
  • Brain game toys
  • Posing at a computer with paws on keyboard
  • Figuring out how to get a treat from under a laundry basket


How to Earn this Title:


Complete the 4 Exercises


Show your tricks/exercises to a Certified Trick Evaluator

Join one of our free Facebook Spark Teams and post videos (or photos) of your tricks/exercises there. Each team is coached by a certified evaluator. 

Spark Team Online Evaluators 

Prefer to work with evaluator in person? Click here.


Submit the form above

Once a certified evaluator has OK’d your tricks/exercises, submit your application using the form above. You can choose your certificate and swag items.

Additional information

Choose your Certificate/Award:

📧 Email Certificate Only, 🎗Display Package (Paper Certificate & Ribbon)