Balance Beam Title (Pentathlon Series)


Pay with Instructor Credits:  PDF certificate: 3 credits.

Dog-lympics Pentathlon Series

*Not affiliated with USOPC or the Olympics.



RULES: Demonstrate any 10 tricks utilizing a balance beam


Earn your Dog-lympics Series “Balance Beam” title by demonstrating any 10 tricks utilizing a balance beam. This title challenges you to think about what behaviors your dog CAN do, and then transfer those behaviors to a new trick involving a balance beam. A Canine Conditioning Fitness Coach (CCFC) will evaluate your submission. What constitutes a Balance Beam? A balance beam can be a board, a park bench, or a fallen tree. It must be long, narrow, and elevated.

Some examples of balance beam tricks are:

  1. Walk a balance beam (such as a raised board)
  2. Walk a ramp
  3. Teeter totter
  4. Double-rail balance beam
  5. Skinny balance beam
  6. Mount a balance beam from the middle of the beam
  7. Lift a paw while on a beam
  8. Back up on a beam
  9. Walk a rod-shaped beam (such as a log or fallen tree)
  10. Walk a beam while holding something in your mouth
  11. Turn around on the balance beam
  12. “Say your prayers”/head bow on edge of balance beam
  13. Jump over a beam
  14. Crawl under a beam
  15. Can you think of more?


How to Earn this Title:


Choose 10 Balance Beam Tricks.

You can use the Tricktionary Tricks, or make up your own balance beam tricks.



Show your tricks/exercises to a Certified Fitness Evaluator

Join one of our free Facebook Spark Teams and post videos (or photos) of your tricks/exercises there. Each team is coached by a certified evaluator. 

Spark Team Online Evaluators 

Prefer to work with evaluator in person? Click here.


Submit the form above

Once a certified evaluator has OK’d your tricks/exercises, submit your application using the form above. You can choose your certificate and swag items.