Sort Order | wdt_ID | Level | Exercise | Exercise Subtitle | Picture | Description | Video1-Finished | Scoring NQ | Scoring Pass | Common Scoring Situations | Video2-Tutorial | Rules |
1 | 47 | Novice | #1: Perimeter Circle Salute | On leash, Counter-Clockwise | ![]() |
Begin on Pedestal in Ready Position. On leash, the team enters the ring and walks to the pedestal where they assume the Ready Position. In a circus opening “spec” (spectacle), all of the performers and animals walk the perimeter of the ring and wave to the audience.
NQ 0 Did not complete the circle NQ 5 Completed the circle with significant problem |
PASS 10 Satisfactorily completed a circle, perhaps with a stall PASS 15 Very well, smooth, consistent speed |
Lunging, Lagging PASS if dog is bouncing around a lot. NQ if handler has a significant difficulty controlling the dog.
An Excellent Performance Looks Like: The dog is happy, moving at a comfortable pace, not tripping up the handler. The dog need not be in heel position, but should not be straining at the leash. Competitors look like a team. |
2 | 265 | Novice | #2: Mount Pedestal, assume Ready Position | On leash | ![]() |
After completing the circle in exercise #1, return to the pedestal and into Ready Position. |
NQ 0 Did not mount the pedestal promptly NQ 5 Jumped off the Pedestal more than once |
PASS 10 Mounted, jumped off once, wiggled around PASS 15 Mounted easily and stayed there |
3 | 269 | Novice | #3: “Stay” on Pedestal | Handler backs up 6 feet (2m), 5 seconds | ![]() |
Remove the leash. The dog remains on the pedestal. Handler pivots to face their dog, gives a verbal cue and/or hand signal, and backs up 6 feet/2m. After 5 seconds the handler returns to Ready Position.
Tips: Say “stay” and hold your palm up. Wait a second to ensure your dog is going to stay before you back up. Continue to keep your palm raised while you back up and while you return to your dog. |
NQ 0 Dog jumped off pedestal during the Stay NQ 10 Handler went forward before 5 seconds |
PASS 15 Handler gave repeated commands PASS 20 Smiling, calm, smooth |
Repeated cues PASS if handler gives a few additional, calm cues to “stay” NQ if commands are loud or harsh Cutting the 5 seconds short PASS if handler stops in the middle of walking backwards NQ if the handler walks forward before the 5 seconds |
4 | 270 | Novice | #4: Handler Circles Pedestal | 2 feet (1m) distance | ![]() |
From Ready Position, handler tells dog to “stay” and walks a counter-clockwise circle around the pedestal, keeping 2 feet (1m) away from the pedestal. Handler may keep their left hand extended toward dog in a “stay” signal the entire time. Dog may turn around or stand up on the pedestal. Handler finishes in Ready Position.
NQ 0 Dog jumped off the pedestal NQ 10 The circle was overly slow or with repeated interruptions |
PASS 20 The circle was executed, but with no showmanship PASS 25 Well-executed and with showmanship |
Repeated cues PASS if handler gives a few additional, calm cues to “stay” NQ if commands are loud or harsh
Hand signal is too close to the dog’s nose PASS if the hand is 6 inches (15cm) away from the dog NQ if the hand appears to be causing the dog to retract their head |
5 | 271 | Novice | #5: Trick on Pedestal | 1 Trick | ![]() |
Starting from Ready Position, the dog does one trick on the pedestal, such as spin, shake hands, bark, bow, etc. Tricks such as sit and down would qualify, but not receive maximum points as they are not high in showmanship. |
NQ 0 Dog did not execute trick NQ 10 It was questionable if it was a trick (ex: dog briefly lifted paw) |
PASS 15 Executed a simple trick like Sit, or needed several cues PASS 25 One cue, nicely done interesting trick |
Large cues PASS if there is a large hand signal, such as circling overhead for a spin NQ if the handler is luring the dog
Multiple cues PASS if the handler cues a few times NQ if the handler gives 4+ cues |
6 | 272 | Novice | #6: Send to Pedestal | From 10 feet (3m) distance | ![]() |
Relocate to Stage Front: The team moves to Stage Front. The handler may do so by encouraging the dog, patting their leg, etc. Handler and dog go to Stage Front, 10 feet (3m) from the pedestal. Dog can be in any position, on any side of the handler. Handler may lightly hold the dog’s collar. The handler sends the dog to the pedestal. Handler shall be penalized for stepping toward the pedestal before the dog has mounted. The instant the dog has mounted the pedestal, the handler may return to the Ready Position by walking counter-clockwise around the back of the pedestal.
Tips: Once the dog has mounted the pedestal, wait a second to make sure he is staying before you return to Ready Position. |
NQ 0 Dog does not mount within 20 seconds of the cue NQ 10 Handler walks more than 1 or 2 feet (1/2m) toward pedestal |
PASS 15 Dog dilly-dallies or pops off and on again one time PASS 20 The Dog directly mounts the pedestal and stays there |
Repeated cues PASS if handler gives a few cues NQ if the handler gives 4+ cues
Dog is so fast he slides off the pedestal PASS if it was an accident and the gets back on. This is only a minor deduction. NQ if he pops off more than once |
7 | 273 | Novice | #7: Send to Target Mark | From 6 feet (2m) distance, stay on mark for 5 seconds | ![]() |
Place the target mark. Dog and Handler go to Stage Back Place the Target Mark near Stage Right at the back of the ring. The handler and dog make their way to the Stage Back. The handler may lightly hold the dog’s collar. Handler and dog are 6 feet (2m) from the Target Mark. The dog may be in any position on either side of the handler. The handler may loosely hold the dog’s collar. Handler sends the dog to the Target Mark and the goes to the Mark and stays there for 5 seconds. The handler may hold up a “stay” hand signal, and may use repeated verbal cues. Handler shall be penalized stepping toward the mark. After 5 seconds handler and dog return to Ready Position. Only the Target Mark portion is scored; not the return to pedestal.
NQ 0 The dog didn’t go to the Target Mark NQ 5 Dog went to target mark but immediately came far forward |
PASS 20 Dog seemed to understand the concept, and stood near the mark, but not touching it PASS 30 The dog stepped on the Target Mark and stayed |
Standing next to, but not ON the target mark PASS if the dog understands the concept (within 1 foot/30cm vicinity) NQ if the dog walks forward
Handler giving additional or repeated cues PASS if handler gives 3 cues to send NQ if the handler gives 4+ cues to send
Handler moving their feet, walking toward dog PASS if handler moves one of their feet NQ if handler moves both of their feet |
8 | 274 | Novice | #8: Hoop Jump | 4 jumps/interactions | ![]() |
Remove Target Mark. Get hoops. Relocate to Pedestal. Remove the Target Mark so no one will trip on it. Bring a hoop to the pedestal. Scoring begins when the dog dismounts the pedestal. Dog performs a hoop trick a minimum of 4 times. One or several hoops may be employed. Hoop sizes may vary. It is acceptable to have 4 identical hoop tricks, such as 4 hoop jumps, but extra points are awarded for variety and showmanship. A hoop trick need not involve jumping, such as: go around hoop, fetching a hoop, sitting in the center of a hoop, weaving in and out of hoops. Upon finishing the 4 hoop tricks, the team returns to Ready Position.
NQ 0 Zero hoop tricks executed NQ 5 Fewer than 4 tricks executed |
PASS 15 4 identical hoop tricks PASS 35 4 different tricks with showmanship and flourish |
Luring PASS if handler snaps fingers to lure dog through hoop NQ if handler sticks lure hand past the plane of the hoop, through to the other side
Repeated cues PASS if the handler gives several cues for one trick NQ if the handler gives 4+ cues |
9 | 275 | Novice | #9: Perimeter Circle Exit | On leash | ![]() |
Relocate to Pedestal. Upon finishing the four hoop tricks (exercise #8), team returns to the Ready Position. Handler now attaches leash. Scoring begins when the dog dismounts pedestal. Just as in the Perimeter Circle Entrance, the dog will be on the handler’s left, and toward the inside of the counter-clockwise circle. The exercise is finished when the team reaches the exit gate at the rear. |
NQ 0 Did not complete the circle NQ 5 Completed the circle with significant problems |
PASS 10 Satisfactorily completed the circle, perhaps with a stall PASS 15 Very well, smooth, consistent speed |
Lunging, Lagging PASS if dog is bouncing around a lot. NQ if handler has a significant difficulty controlling the dog. |
21 | 276 | Open | #1: Perimeter Cirle Salute | On leash, Counter-Clockwise | ![]() |
Begin on Pedestal in Ready Position On leash, the team enters into the ring and walks to the pedestal where they assume the Ready Position. When ready, they perform exercise #1. |
NQ 0 Did not complete the circle NQ 5 Completed the circle with significant problems |
PASS 10 Satisfactorily completed a circle, perhaps with a stall PASS 15 Very well, smooth, consistent speed |
Cheating the circle NQ if they cut corners and are farther than 6 feet (2m) from the fence. |
22 | 277 | Open | #2: Mount Pedestal, assume Ready Position | On leash | ![]() |
NQ 0 Did not mount the pedestal promptly NQ 2 Mounted and jumped off more than once |
PASS 3 Mounted, jumped off once, wiggled around PASS 5 Mounted easily and stayed there |
23 | 278 | Open | #3: “Stay” on Pedestal, Handler Backs Up | 6 feet (2m), 15 seconds | ![]() |
Remove Leash Remove the leash while dog is on pedestal. Handler pivots in place to face their dog, gives a verbal cue and/or hand signal, and backs up toward stage-left (approximately 15 feet/4.5m). After 15 seconds the handler returns to Ready Position. |
NQ 0 Dog jumped off pedestal NQ 5 Handler went forward before 15 seconds |
PASS 10 Handler gave repeated commands or harsh looks PASS 15 Smiling, calm, smooth |
24 | 279 | Open | #4: “Stay” on Pedestal, Handler Circles it | 6 feet (2m) distance | ![]() |
From Ready Position, handler cues dog to “stay” and walks a counter-clockwise circle around the pedestal at a distance of 6 feet (2m) away from the pedestal. Handler may keep his/her left hand extended toward dog in a “stay” signal the entire time. Dog may turn around on the pedi. Finish in Ready Position. |
NQ 0 Dog jumped off the pedestal NQ 5 The circle was overly slow or with repeated interruptions |
PASS 10 The circle was executed, but with no showmanship PASS 15 well-executed and with showmanship |
25 | 280 | Open | #5: Tricks on Pedestal | 2 Tricks, at least one at Intermediate difficulty level | ![]() |
Starting from Ready Position, the dog does two tricks on the pedestal. One trick must be of an Intermediate or higher difficulty level. A reward may be given only after the completion of the second trick. Dog may not dismount the pedestal. Handler may not prod, nor hover over the dog. |
NQ 0 Dog did not perform any trick NQ 10 Dog performed one trick successfully |
PASS 15 Required multiple cues, or large hand signal PASS 30 Well executed and with showmanship |
Large cues PASS if there is a large hand signal, such as circling overhead for a spin NQ if the handler is luring the dog
Multiple cues PASS if the handler needs to cue a few times NQ if the handler gives 4+ cues |
26 | 281 | Open | #6: Send to Pedestal | From distance of perimeter fence (13ft/4m) | ![]() |
Relocate to Stage Front Handler and dog go to the Stage Front fence (about 13 feet/4m from the pedestal). The handler may get ther by encouraging the dog, patting their leg, etc. Dog can be in any position, on any side of the handler. Handler may lightly hold the dog’s collar. The handler sends the dog to the pedestal. Handler shall be penalized for stepping toward the pedestal before the dog has mounted. The instant the dog has mounted the pedestal, the handler may return to the Ready Position by walking counter-clockwise around the back of the pedestal. |
NQ 0 Dog does not mount the pedestal within 20 seconds of the cue NQ 10 Handler walks more that 1 or 2 feet toward pedestal |
PASS 15 Dog dilly-dallies or pops off and on again one time PASS 20 Dog mounts the pedestal promptly |
Repeated cues PASS if the handler gives a few cues NQ if the handler gives 4+ cues
Dog is so fast he slides off the pedestal PASS if it was an accident and he gets back on. NQ if he pops off more than once |
27 | 282 | Open | #7: Send to Target Mark | From 10 (3m) feet distance, stay on mark 10 seconds | ![]() |
Place the Target Mark. Dog and Handler go to Stage back Handler and dog start 10 feet (3m) from the Mark. The dog may be in any position on either side of the handler. Handler may loosely hold the collar. Handler sends dog to the Mark and the dog stays on it for 10 seconds. The handler may signal and/or cue “stay” repeatedly. |
NQ 0 The dog did not go to the Target Mark NQ 5 Dog went to Target Mark but did not stay for 10 seconds |
PASS 20 Dog was near the Mark PASS 30 Dog stepped on the Target Mark and stayed |
Standing next to, but not ON the target mark PASS if the dog understands the concept (within 1 foot/30cm vicinity)
Handler giving additional or repeated cues PASS if handler gives 3 cues to send NQ if the handler gives 4+ cues to send
Handler walking toward dog PASS if handler moves one of their feet NQ if handler moves both of their feet |
28 | 283 | Open | #8: Hoop Jump | 4 jumps/interactions | ![]() |
Remove Target Mark. Get hoops. Relocate to Pedestal. This exercise is similar to the Novice hoop jump exercise, but with a higher requirement for showmanship. Dog performs a hoop trick a minimum of 4 times. One or several hoops may be employed, of any size. Hoop tricks need not involve jumping. It is acceptable to have 4 identical hoop tricks, but extra points are awarded for variety and showmanship. |
NQ 0 Zero hoop tricks executed NQ 10 Fewer than 4 tricks executed |
PASS 15 4 identical hoop jumps PASS 25 Different tricks with showmanship and flourish |
Luring PASS if handler snaps fingers to lure dog through hoop NQ if handler sticks lure hand past the plane of the hoop, through to the other side
Repeated cues PASS if the handler gives several cues for one trick NQ if the handler gives 4+ cues |
29 | 284 | Open | #9: Tricks on the Floor | 2 tricks, at least one at Intermediate difficulty level | ![]() |
Relocate to Pedestal Upon finishing their hoop tricks (exercise #8), the team returns to Ready Position. Any props needed for the next exercise should be gathered now. Dog performs two quick tricks at Stage Front. At least one trick shall be an Intermediate or higher skill level.
NQ 0 Dog did not perform any trick NQ 10 Dog wanders, taking a long time to get back on track |
PASS 15 Dog does both tricks but it looks rushed or unfinished/choppy. PASS 30 Dog and handler perform smoothly and confidently. |
Dog losing attention PASS if dog loses attention for 20 seconds NQ if dog does not perform a trick within 20 seconds |
30 | 285 | Open | #10: Perimeter Circle Exit | On leash | ![]() |
Relocate to Pedestal Return to Ready Position. Just as in the Perimeter Circle Entrance, the dog will be on the handler’s left, and toward the inside of the counter-clockwise circle. The exercise is finished when the team reaches the rear exit gate.
NQ 0 Did not complete the circle NQ 5 Completed the circle with significant problem |
PASS 10 Satisfactorily completed a circle, perhaps with a stall PASS 15 Very well, smooth, consistent speed |
Lunging, Lagging PASS if dog is bouncing around a lot. NQ if handler has a significant difficulty controlling the dog. |
31 | 286 | Proven | #1: Perimeter Circle Salute | Off-leash, Counter-Clockwise | ![]() |
Begin on Pedestal in Ready Position Team will enter the ring on-leash, get settled in Ready Position, and then remove the leash. The perimeter circle is done off-leash. This exercise is not judged on perfect control but rather on teamwork and showmanship. You may:
NQ 0 Did not complete the circle NQ 5 Completed the circle with significant problems |
PASS 10 Satisfactorily completed a circle, perhaps with a stall PASS 20 Very well, smooth, consistent speed |
Losing the dog PASS if the dog does a quick detour at the ring fence, or zoomies. NQ if the dog leaves the handler for more than about 10 seconds. |
32 | 287 | Proven | #2: Mount Pedestal, assume Ready Position | Off-leash | ![]() |
Dog may zoom ahead and mount pedestal a good deal ahead of the handler, or they may walk together the whole way. Handler may send the dog with an arm signal. |
NQ 0 Did not mount the pedestal promptly NQ 2 Mounted and jumped off more than once |
PASS 3 Mounted, jumped off once PASS 5 Mounted easily and stayed there |
Not going straight to pedestal PASS if the dog circles the pedestal or runs past it before mounting. NQ if the handler appears to be struggling to get the dog in position. |
33 | 288 | Proven | #3: “Stay” on Pedi, Handler Circles it | 10 feet (3m) distance | ![]() |
Handler circles the pedestal counter-clockwise at 10 feet (3m) distance from the dog. Dog may move and change positions. Handler may use multiple or continuous hand signals and/or verbal cues. |
NQ 0 Dog jumped off the pedestal NQ 10 The circle was overly slow or with repeated interruptions |
PASS 15 The circle was executed, but with no showmanship PASS 25 Well-executed and with showmanship |
34 | 289 | Proven | #4: Tricks on Pedestal | 3 Tricks, at least one at Intermediate difficulty level | ![]() |
Starting from Ready Position, the dog does 3 tricks on the pedestal including at least one at Intermediate or higher difficulty. A reward may given only after the third trick. Dog may not dismount the pedestal. Handler may not poke, prod, nor hover over the dog. |
NQ 0 Dog did not perform any trick NQ 5 Dog performed one or two tricks |
PASS 10 Tricks were simple, or not done well PASS 20 Well executed and with showmanship |
35 | 290 | Proven | #5: Distance Trick on Pedestal | 1 Trick, 6 feet (2m) distance | ![]() |
From the Ready Position, the handler backs away 6 feet (2m). The handler cues the dog to do a trick on the pedestal. Tricks may include wave, spin, bow, etc. Tricks of sit and down would qualify, but not receive maximum points as they are not high in showmanship. Return to Ready Position. |
NQ 0 No trick performed NQ 5 Dog came off pedestal |
PASS 10 Multiple cues, handler leaning far forward PASS 20 One cue, well executed |
36 | 291 | Proven | #6: Distance Trick on Target Mark | 1 trick, 6 feet (2m) distance | ![]() |
Place the Target Mark. Dog and Handler go to Stage Back Place the Target Mark at the back of the ring. At this level, the handler shall not hold dog’s collar. Handler may tap dog’s shoulder to gain attention. At Stage Back, handler sends their dog to the target mark 6 ft (2m) away. Handler cues the dog to do one trick while staying on or near the Target Mark. Tricks may include spin, bow, wave, sit, etc. It is not critical that the dog actually touch the Target Mark, so long as he stays within a few inches (cm) of it. It is common and perfectly acceptable that the dog loses the Target briefly as he changes position but self-corrects back onto the Target. Return to Ready Position. |
NQ 0 Dog moves farther than 3 ft (1m) off the target NQ 5 Dog creeps forward and does not return to the target mark |
PASS 15 Multiple cues given, but dog stays within 12in (30cm) of Target PASS 25 Only two cues are given, and dog hits the target twice |
Dog creeps forward PASS if dog creeps forward less than 2 ft (60cm) and backs up again NQ if dog creeps forward 2 ft (60cm) and doesn’t back up |
37 | 292 | Proven | #7: Hoop Jump | 4 jumps/interactions | ![]() |
Remove Target Mark. Get hoops. Relocate to Pedestal. At the Proven level, there is increased expectations of variety, execution, and showmanship. Dog performs a minimum of 4 hoop tricks. One or several hoops may be employed; hoop sizes may vary. The hoop trick need not involve jumping. Extra points are awarded for variety and showmanship. Upon finishing the 4 hoop tricks, the team returns to Ready Position. |
NQ 0 Zero hoop tricks executed NQ 10 Fewer than 4 tricks executed 4 identical hoop jumps |
PASS 15 Basic jumps, with a little variety PASS 25 Different Tricks with showmanship and flourish |
38 | 293 | Proven | #8: Tricks on the Floor | 3 tricks, one of Advanced difficulty, one using a prop | ![]() |
Relocate to Pedestal, and then to Stage Front for floor exercise Return to Ready Position. Gather any props needed. At Stage Front, dog performs three tricks, including at least one of Advanced or higher difficulty, and at least one which uses a prop. |
NQ 0 Dog does not perform any trick NQ 10 Dog wanders a lot No prop used |
PASS 15 Tricks look rough or unfinished Prop is small or basic or uninteresting Dog needs several attempts PASS 30 Well done, interesting tricks and props |
39 | 294 | Proven | #9: Perimeter Circle Exit | Off-Leash | ![]() |
Relocate to Pedestal Off-leash. The dog is on the handler’s left, and toward the inside of the counter-clockwise circle. The exercise is finished when the team reaches the rear exit gate. |
NQ 0 Did not complete the circle NQ 5 Completed the circle with difficulty |
PASS 10 Satisfactorily completed a circle. PASS 20 very well, smooth, consistent speed |
41 | 295 | Professional | #1: Perimeter Circle Salute | Off-leash, 2 pauses to perform a trick to audience | ![]() |
Begin on Pedestal in Ready Position Team enters the ring on-leash, gets settled in Ready Position, and then removes the leash. Hander shall stop 2 times during the perimeter circle to perform a trick for the audience. It may be the same trick both times, but will score higher if there are a variety of tricks. Tricks may include things like spins, leg weave, jump through circled arms, heeling circles, barks, waves, etc. Handler may do one or more tricks at each stop. |
NQ 0 Did not complete the circle NQ 5 Did not make 2 stops with tricks |
PASS 10 Satisfactorily completed the circle with 2 tricks PASS 20 2 different, interesting tricks |
Losing the dog PASS if the dog does a quick detour and comes back. NQ if the dog leaves the handler for more than about 10 seconds |
42 | 296 | Professional | #2: Mount Pedestal, assume Ready Position | Send from distance of fence (13ft/4m) | ![]() |
When sending the dog to mount the pedestal, handler shall send the dog from the fence and then join the dog in the Ready Position. |
NQ 0 Did not mount the pedestal promptly NQ 2 Mounted and jumped off more than once |
PASS 3 Mounted with some difficulty PASS 5 Mounted easily and stayed there |
Handler walks forward before the dog mounts the pedestal PASS if it is smooth, and the dog didn’t really see the handler walking forward but ran straight to the pedestal PASS if the dog circles the pedestal or runs passed it before mounting NQ if the handler walks forward before the dog has mounted, and it appears that this helped the dog. |
43 | 297 | Professional | #3: “Stay” on Pedi, Handler Circles it | At Distance of Fence (13ft/4m) | ![]() |
Handler circles the pedestal counter-clockwise at the fence, which is a distance of about 14 feet (4m) distance from the dog. Dog may move and change positions. Handler may use multiple or continuous hand signals and/or verbal cues. |
NQ 0 Dog jumped off the pedestal NQ 5 With interuptions |
PASS 10 Executed, but with no showmanship PASS 20 Well-executed and with showmanship |
44 | 298 | Professional | #4: Tricks on Pedestal | 4 Tricks, at least one at Intermediate difficulty level | ![]() |
Four tricks on the pedestal including at least one at Intermediate or higher difficulty. A reward may given only after last trick. Dog may not dismount the pedi. |
NQ 0 Dog did not perform any trick NQ 10 Dog less than 4 tricks |
PASS 15 Tricks were simple, or not done well PASS 30 Well executed and with showmanship |
Tricks were too easy PASS if tricks were easy, but done very well NQ if tricks were easy and also slow, sloppy, or required multiple cues Multiple cues PASS if one trick required 2 cues NQ more than one trick required 2 cues |
45 | 299 | Professional | #5: Distance Tricks on Pedestal | 4 Tricks, 12 feet (4m) distance | ![]() |
From the Ready Position, the handler backs away 12 feet (3.5m). Handler cues dog to do 4 tricks on the pedestal of any difficulty. |
NQ 0 No trick performed NQ 5 Not enough successful tricks Dog came off pedestal |
PASS 10 Multiple cues PASS 20 One cue, well executed |
Multiple cues PASS if handler gave 3 cues on every trick NQ if handler gave more than 3 cues on any trick |
46 | 300 | Professional | #6: Distance Tricks on Target Mark | 3 tricks in a row, 6 feet (2m) distance | ![]() |
Place the Target Mark. Dog and handler go to Stage Back Handler shall not hold dog’s collar. Send dog to Target Mark. Cue dog to do 3 different tricks. You may cue “target” once between each trick. |
NQ 0 Dog moves 3ft (1m) off target NQ 5 Dog strays from target mark |
PASS 10 Dog stays close to Target PASS 20 Dog hits the target consistently |
47 | 301 | Professional | #7: Hoop Jump | 4 jumps/interactions | ![]() |
Remove Target Mark. Get hoops. Relocate to Pedestal. Dog performs a minimum of 4 hoop tricks. Extra points are awarded for variety and showmanship. |
NQ 0 Zero hoop tricks executed NQ 10 Fewer than 4 tricks executed 4 identical hoop jumps |
PASS 15 Basic jumps, with a little variety PASS 25 Different Tricks with showmanship |
48 | 302 | Professional | #8: Tricks on the Floor | 3 tricks, one of Expert difficulty, one using a prop | ![]() |
Relocate to Pedestal, and then to Stage Front for floor exercise At Stage Front, dog performs three tricks, including at least one of Expert difficulty, and at least one which uses a prop. |
NQ 0 Dog does not perform any trick NQ 10 Dog performed less than 3 successful tricks |
PASS 15 Tricks were simple, or not done to perfection PASS 25 Well executed and with showmanship |
49 | 303 | Professional | #9: Silent Cues | 3 tricks, either all on pedestal or all on floor | ![]() |
Relocate to Pedestal 3 tricks are performed on the pedestal, or 3 tricks performed on the floor. No audible cue may be given. Praise after the trick is fine. Handler may reward only after the third trick and only on the pedestal. Tricks may be simple such as sit, down, shake hands, bow. |
NQ 0 No trick performed An audible cue was given NQ 5 Dog came off pedestal |
PASS 10 Multiple signal attempts PASS 15 One cue, well executed |
50 | 304 | Professional | #10: Perimeter Circle Exit | Off-Leash, 2 pauses to perform a trick to audience | ![]() |
Relocate to Pedestal Off-leash. The dog is on the handler’s left, and toward the inside of the counter-clockwise circle. The team shall pause twice in their exit circle to do a quick trick for the audience, such as a wave, bark, or spin. |
NQ 0 Did not complete the circle NQ 5 Circle but with less than two tricks |
PASS 10 Satisfactorily completed a circle and tricks PASS 20 Very well, enjoyable |
60 | 305 | Champion | Stunt Dog Champion (SDCH) | ![]() |
Prerequisite: Stunt Dog Professional title and Trick Dog Champion title. The Champion performance is a 4-7 minute off-leash, unique routine. The performance may include any tricks you wish, so long as the required elements are included. Costumes, music, and large props may be used. Required Elements:
Required Props:
1. Showmanship Team should be compelling; engage audience using eye contact, posture, speech, facial expressions. 2. Variety of Tricks Rather than a 7-minute disc dog show, show us variety. 3. Technical Difficulty How difficult were the tricks? 4. Unique Act Is this new and interesting? An agility demo would not score high in this category unless it had a unique twist. 5. Pace Should be attention-holding, moving quickly from one trick to the next. Was there efficient prop placement? How many tricks were executed? 6. Entertaining Would this act be entertaining on TV or in a live show? 7. Use of Entire Stage Performer should fill the space. 8. Interesting Props Visually stimulating props. 9. Teamwork Does the team look like they’ve performed together many times? 10. Likability/Happiness No one wants to see a sour-puss face on stage. Radiate happiness.
Level |
Exercise Subtitle:
Scoring NQ:
Scoring Pass:
Common Scoring Situations: