How to Earn your Doglympics Title Dog Olympics

Your dog must earn any 5 titles during the year of 2024.

See titles you can earn

Once you have earned 5 titles this year, submit for your Doglympics title to be listed on the website and receive your optional certificate, gold medal, rosette, and other swag.  

I have achieved 5 titles in 2024

Limited Edition
“Pentathlon Series” Titles

Five “limited edition” titles have been added for 2024 as part of the “Doglympics Pentathlon Series.” These titles will display a special  sticker on their certificate. 

Doglympics Pentathlon Series #1 – Hoops

Earn your Pentathlon Series “Hoops” title by demonstrating any 10 tricks utilizing a hoop. This title challenges you to think about what behaviors your dog CAN do, and then transfer those behaviors to a new trick involving a hoop. A Certified Trick Dog Instructor (CTDI) will evaluate your submission. Some examples of hoop tricks are:

  1. Jump through a hoop
  2. Jump through two hoops held slightly apart
  3. Fetch a hoop
  4. Sit in a hoop
  5. Peekaboo through my legs with a hoop in front of my legs
  6. Circle around a hoop
  7. Circle around me while jumping through a hoop held in my hand
  8. Spin a circle while holding a hoop in your mouth
  9. Send away to go stand in a hoop
  10. Platform jump; jump from one platform to another while holding a hoop in between
  11. Can you think of more?

Hoop Tricks in Tricktionary


Doglympics Pentathlon Series #2 – Balls

Earn your Pentathlon Series “Balls” title by demonstrating any 10 tricks utilizing a ball. This title challenges you to think about what behaviors your dog CAN do, and then transfer those behaviors to a new trick involving a ball. A Certified Trick Dog Instructor (CTDI) will evaluate your submission. Some examples of ball tricks are:

  1. Paws up on a yoga ball
  2. Circle around a yoga ball
  3. Balance on top of a yoga ball
  4. Muffin Tin Game with tennis balls
  5. Ball Pit Game: Find the treat/toy hidden in a box full of balls
  6. Catch a ball
  7. Fetch a ball
  8. Push a soccer ball
  9. Find the hidden ball (like the “find hidden treats” game)
  10. Backtrack memory game (retrace steps to find ball)
  11. Shell Game / Cups and ball 
  12. Volleyball
  13. Basketball
  14. Flyball
  15. Tidy up your toys; drop ball in toy box
  16. Find your ball by scent
  17. Bowling

Ball Tricks in Tricktionary



Doglympics Pentathlon Series #3 – Balance Beam

Earn your Pentathlon Series “Balance Beam” title by demonstrating any 10 tricks utilizing a balance beam. This title challenges you to think about what behaviors your dog CAN do, and then transfer those behaviors to a new trick involving a balance beam. A Canine Conditioning Fitness Coach (CCFC) will evaluate your submission. What constitutes a Balance Beam? A balance beam can be a board, a park bench, or a fallen tree. It must be long, narrow, and elevated.

Some examples of balance beam tricks are:

  1. Walk a balance beam (such as a raised board)
  2. Walk a ramp
  3. Teeter totter
  4. Double-rail balance beam
  5. Skinny balance beam
  6. Mount a balance beam from the middle of the beam
  7. Lift a paw while on a beam
  8. Back up on a beam
  9. Walk a rod-shaped beam (such as a log or fallen tree)
  10. Walk a beam while holding something in your mouth
  11. Turn around on the balance beam
  12. “Say your prayers”/head bow on edge of balance beam
  13. Jump over a beam
  14. Crawl under a beam
  15. Can you think of more?


Doglympics Pentathlon Series #4 – Fetch 

Earn your Pentathlon Series “Fetch” title by demonstrating any 10 tricks with a fetching element. This title challenges you to think about what behaviors your dog CAN do, and then transfer those behaviors to a new trick based on fetching. A Certified Trick Dog Instructor (CTDI) will evaluate your submission. There are plenty of Fetch tricks that do not involve the dog holding something in their mouth. Some examples of fetch tricks are:

  1. Popcorn bobbing (fetch popcorn from tub of water)
  2. Fetch a wagon by pulling it with a harness
  3. Fetch supplies by wearing a backpack
  4. Fetch a Treibball (by pushing it)
  5. Fetch a Treibball through a tunnel (tunnel ball)
  6. Fetch another dog
  7. Fetch a family member
  8. Fetch a cookie from a closed container
  9. Fetch my shopping bag (put bag over dog’s neck or back and the dog brings it)
  10. Messenger dog (note attached to collar)
  11. Fetch the clerk by ringing a desk bell
  12. Find the hidden treats
  13. Fetch the bubbles/laser light/RC car/ chase object
  14. “fetch my scarf/necklace” by having them go stick their nose in a tied scarf and wiggle back onto their head/neck and bring it to the person. 
  15. Fetch a skateboard by pushing it
  16. Fetch a shopping cart by pushing it
  17. Fetch yourself, “recall”
  18. Fetch your tail (grab your tail)
  19. Fetch a sock off my foot
  20. Pickpocket (pull a kerchief from my back pocket)
  21. Fetch a card from a deck
  22. Fetch item and bring it near me
  23. Fetch to hand
  24. Fetch object from a far distance
  25. Blind fetch (object is placed outside the room or behind furniture)
  26. Fetch from water (lake or pool)
  27. Fetch and drop into a box (or basketball net, etc)
  28. Fetch the specific item I ask you to (lay out several items, call out one)
  29. Fetch a raw egg
  30. Fetch something metal
  31. Fetch leash from a hook on the wall
  32. Pull a wagon by pulling a rope
  33. Fetch your dinner bowl
  34. Fetch your leash
  35. Antler shed retrieve
  36. Fetch a flying disc
  37. Flyball fetch
  38. Can you think of more?

Doglympics Pentathlon Series #5 – Torch Relay 

In the human Olympic Games, the torch is lit in Greece and passed from person to person in a relay along its  journey to the host city for the Opening Ceremony.  At the Opening Ceremony, the athletes and coaches recite the Olympic Oath of fair play and honor. The athletes walk with their countrymen in the spirit of sportsmanship. We invite you make a similar symbolic journey and oath with your dog, committing to your dedication to each other, to the community you represent,  and to dog sports as a whole.


To earn the “Torch Relay” title, run/walk your choice of any of these olympic distances with your dog. The distance will be printed on your certificate. Show proof to a Canine Conditioning Fitness Coach (CCFC)

    • 400 meters (equal to .25 miles / .4k / 1 lap around a track)
    • 800 meters (equal to .5 miles / .8k / 2 laps around a track)
    • 1,500 meters (equal to 1 mile / 1.5k / 4 laps around a track)
    • 5,000 meters (equal to 3.1 miles / 5k / 12.5 laps around a track)
    • 10,000 meters (equal to 6.2 miles / 10k / 25 laps around a track)


Show your Doglympics Spirit by doing at least one of the following:

  1. Commit to the Doglympics Oath:
    As a dog sports athlete, I promise to compete in these Doglympic Games with honor and spirit, to give my best effort in every event, and to respect my fellow competitors, both canine and human. I pledge to embody the values of loyalty, determination, and sportsmanship, and to always wag my tail with pride, win or lose. This oath symbolizes my lifelong commitment to do more with my dogs.
  2. Parade of Athletes:
    In the spirit of the athletes opening ceremony walk of nations, walk other members of your community, club, or team. (Matching uniforms would be even better.)
  3. Carry the Flag/ Carry the Baton:
    Have your dog carry a flag, or a baton, or torch.
  4. Winners Podium:
    Have your dog mount the winners podium and stay. (Can he hold a flag and wave as well?)
  5. Doglympics Laurel Wreath:
    In ancient Greece winning athletes were awarded a wreath of olive branches on their head as a symbol of victory and honor. Have your dog wear a wreath of branches or flowers.